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22. - 26. April 2009 at 11e Rencontres Internacionales de la Réalité Virtuelle in Laval, France.

26th September 2008 at Lange Nacht der Forschung Oberösterreich in Linz, Austria.


Space Trash - An Interactive Networked Virtual Reality Installation. At the 11th Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC '09), Laval, France, 22.04.2009. (slides in english)

Space Trash - Eine interaktive Virtual Reality Installation. At the Mediadesign Hochschule für Design und Informatik, Munich, Germany, 16.12.2008. (slides in german)


Christoph Anthes, Mika Satomi, Alexander Wilhelm, Christa Sommerer, and Jens Volkert.
Space Trash - An Interactive Networked Virtual Reality Installation.
In Proceedings of the 11th Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC '09), pages 107-118, Laval, France, April 2009.

Christoph Anthes, Mika Satomi, Alexander Wilhelm, Christa Sommerer, and Jens Volkert.
Design and Setup of Space Trash - A Collaborative Virtual Reality Installation using Physical Interfaces.
Installation description in Proceedings of the 11th Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC '09) ReVolution, pages 355-362, Laval, France, April 2009.

Christoph Anthes, Philipp Aumayr, Clemens Birklbauer, Roland Hackl, Marlene Hochrieser, Roland Hopferwieser, Simon Opelt, Christoph Payrhuber, Mika Satomi, Stefan Simmer, Georg Stevenson, Roland Landertshamer, Bernhard Lehner, Marina Lenger, Martin Lenzelbauer, Clemens Mock, and Alexander Wilhelm Space Trash - Developement of a Networked Immersive Virtual Reality Installation.
Technical Report at Institute of Graphics and Parallel Processing, Johannes Kepler University Linz, June 2009.